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“Getting over the line in those finals seems absolutely inspiring to a different level” “在决赛中克服这些困难,让他完全到达了一个新高度。” “This is why we've been calling him catlike because he always seems to land on his feet and purring, isn't it? And the way that he plays like you say glides and moves so well.” “这就是为什么我们说他像猫咪,他(移动)总是脚底落地,像喵咪一样低吼,不是吗?然后像你说的他滑行和移动方式,真是太好了。” “Didn’t get too hard, didn’t get impatient, didn’t get doubted, Patient and positive. That was the key.””(这球打得)不重,不急,不犹疑。耐心和积极是关键。” “Lin Gaoyuan is one of the best fighters in this sport” ”林高远是这项运动中最好的战士之一!” 备注:有一些翻译错误,有姐妹指出,都在评论里面!谢谢大家包容和指正❤️字幕和正文错误我就不改了,大家一起学习英文,引以为鉴。🫡🫡 #林高远[话题]# #WTT多哈男子总决赛2023[话题]# #国乒[话题]# #自存笔记[话题]# #英文解说[话题]#
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  • 时间:2024-02-19 22:08:31
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