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The Statue of Liberty自由女神像

Welcome to one of the most iconic symbols of freedom and democracy in the world! 欢迎来到世界上最具标志性的自由和民主象征之一!#自由女神[话题]# #美国[话题]# Located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, this majestic statue has welcomed millions of immigrants arriving by sea since it was dedicated on October 28, 1886.#纽约[话题]# 这座雄伟的雕像位于纽约港的自由岛上,自1886年10月28日落成以来,已经接待了数百万从海上抵达的移民。 At her feet lie broken chains, symbolizing freedom from oppression. 她脚边放着断了的链子,象征着摆脱压迫的自由。#社会议题[话题]# The statue’s full name is "Liberty Enlightening the World." 这座雕像的全名是“自由照亮世界”#chill[话题]# #自由[话题]# #世界[话题]# She is made of copper and originally had a bright, shiny brown color. 她是铜制的,原本是明亮闪亮的棕色。#铜像[话题]# Over time, the copper has oxidized to form the green patina you see today. 随着时间的推移,铜已经氧化形成了你今天看到的绿色铜绿。
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-08-09 16:51:26
  • 网址:https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/66a90bd0000000002701fdc6?xsec_token=ABjp3c1KvALcmlIksWM9rGp45S4hOJRIx3tJdUhMeIny4=&xsec_source=pc_feed