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【一粒沙 】死神頂跨大對決....?

Some interesting stuff I noticed while editing this vid:
1) Uwe always points at Sisi after the hip push
2) Jesper always flaps his coat (he also does this in the other vid I wasn't able to include)
3) Mark does a little jump just before "doch ich weiss" to fix his footing
4) Oli has some really interesting "staticky/jerky movement after the hip push
5) Alice is the only Sisi to struggle against Tod
6) Mate's is always extra sexy like 👁️👁️
8) Maya always gives in to the uhh *grind* then frowns as if remembering she shouldn't be entertaining him.
7) Martin (Markert) as always, has varied expressions throughout the song. His expression and tone change during "doch ich weiss" is mwah
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2023-12-05 22:49:18
  • 网址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WR4y1H7AG