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Video 1 (6 min 16 sec) - An Autonomous Solid-State Workflow for Powder X-Ray Diffraction

0:00 Step 1: KUKA robot collects a rack of 8 crystal samples from Chemspeed platform
0:24 Step 2: Mobile KUKA robot delivers samples to the preparation station
1:06 Step 3: Dual-arm YuMi robot transfers the 8 samples to grinding station 1
1:40 Step 4: YuMi robot inverts the 8 samples and transfers them to grinding station 2
2:26 Step 5: YuMi robot re-inverts the samples and transfers to the X-ray diffraction plate
2:51 Steps 6 & 7: YuMi robot unscrews caps, inverts them, and places back into PXRD plate
4:19 Step 8: KUKA robot collects PXRD plate containing the 8 samples
4:32 Step 9: KUKA robot transports the sample plate to the powder X-ray diffractometer
4:51 Step 10: KUKA robot opens the doors of the X-ray diffractometer
5:03 Step 11: KUKA robot transfers the X-ray plate into the diffractometer
5:26 Step 12: KUKA closes X-ray diffractometer doors and diffraction data are collected
5:51 KUKA robot opens doors and retrieves the X-ray plate from the diffractometer
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-01-23 13:49:26
  • 网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rnaoTF-VMk