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The villagers borrowed 'Yi Tiantian' to help move bricks 甜甜被借走去搬砖,回家吃妈妈做的脆皮五花肉

It's sunny today. Aunt Xiao's family is building a house. As the masters who built the house are on holiday, Aunt Xiao had to ask me to help. There are not many women and men like me who can work, hey hey. I helped Aunt Xiao solve the problem in the morning. I didn't expect to give away 10 kg of pork belly before leaving. Ha ha, Aunt Xiao is very kind. Hurry home and let your mother cook a crispy pork belly. It's so fragrant!
吃货,大胃王,吃饭,吃播,生活,生活日常,美食,农村吃货,奕甜甜,农村第一吃货,大胃王奕甜甜,yitiantian,Rural girl,Chinese girl,甜甜,Yi tiantian,thánh ăn,吃貨,農村大胃王,Big stomach king,rural girl eating,tiantian,大陸大胃王,中国大胃王,奕甜甜全村第一吃货,Food,Pork Ribs,Barbecue,Food Culture,小芳,中文吃货,Duck吃货,tử thất,Rey del gran estómago,Conocedor gourmet,Yi TianTian,烧烤,烤肉,搬砖,帮助有需要的人,猪肉,五花肉
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-08-10 14:08:07
  • 网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keZmIoVcidQ