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黃明志 Ft. 蒼井空【別人的老婆】@高清無碼 2022 H.D. & Uncensored

她把無數的男孩變成了男人;如今卻成為了別人的老婆... 今天,我要藉著這首歌,致敬我們心中永遠的“蒼老師”。

黃明志2022全新創作專輯【高清無碼】在本月七日於香港和台灣的唱片行全面正式發行!在外國的朋友可以網購,請到 https://bit.ly/nameweepreorder

This is a story about how a boy became a man, and his teacher became someone else's wife... @aoisolanet

Namewee's 2022 music album [HD & Uncensored] will be officially released on the 7th of this month in record stores in Hong Kong and Taiwan only! You can also shop online → https://bit.ly/nameweepreorder

數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】: https://lnk.to/SomeoneElseWife

【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】YouTube 高清版 MV: https://youtu.be/a1T2FVLP29M

【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】YouTube 不插電版 MV: https://youtu.be/KafYwSQ_emE

The Making Of【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】幕後花絮 Youtube高清版:https://youtu.be/oRGvtrdtMl0

【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】幕後花絮Shorts高清版:https://youtube.com/shorts/zDEFMVGIg6k

動態歌詞 Lyric Version【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】YouTube高清版 : https://youtu.be/dFjXK8xpurY

【別人的老婆 Someone Else's Wife】KTV 版: https://youtu.be/H0tW2SjioBs



10th music album [High Definition & Uncensored] is now available for pre-order in : https://bit.ly/nameweepreorder

Namewee 黃明志 NFT 平台 :

Namewee 黃明志 Telegram Channel :

Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

Namewee Instagram:

Namewee Twitter Channel:

#Namewee #黃明志
別人的老婆,Someone else's wife,你嫁給了別人,做別人的老婆,Sola Aoi,Sora Aoi,蒼井空,蒼老師,Namewee,黃明志,D槽女神,D槽女皇,Japanese,Japan,日本,情歌,抒情,蒼井 そら,aoi_sola,蒼井そら
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-05-21 21:55:23
  • 网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1T2FVLP29M