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一月好书推荐|【The Psychology of Money】

一月份快结束了,又抽空看完了一本好书“金钱心理学”! 强烈推荐给20-35岁的朋友们,希望你们通过这本书塑造良好的金钱观. By Morgan Housel,it outline 20 of the most important flaws, biases, and causes of bad behaviour affecting people when dealing with money! 🤏No one is crazy - we all make decisions based on our own unique experiences that seem to make sense to us in a given moment; 🤏Nothing is as good or as bad as it seems; 🤏Good investing isn’t necessarily about earning the highest returns, because the highest returns tend to be one-off hits that can’t be repeated. It’s about earning pretty good returns that you can stick with and which can be repeated for the longest period of time; 🤏You can be wrong half the time and still make a fortune; 🤏Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays; 🤏No one is impressed with your possessions as much as you are; 🤏Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money; 有20个小章节,娓娓道来,看完之后发现自己犯了很多金钱观念上的错误,还有我开始省钱了! #分享好书[话题]# #成长书单[话题]# #好书[话题]#
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-11-10 17:07:21
  • 网址:https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/63d5f44e000000001a025c8d?xsec_token=CBx6ftRfL1aNPSqdWq7Zfx5yWq6zMA8I5kcXnWLiCIaBk=&xsec_source=pc_feed