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火把节在云南有着深厚的民俗文化内涵及表现形式,彝族、白族、纳西族等少数民族都有过火把节的传统 。云南省大理州洱源县右所镇西湖,是一个湖岛相间的高原水乡,每年农历六月二十五,当地白族群众会驾着小木船,举着火把,穿梭在湖泊和村落间,星光点点,在云南省各地火把节中独树一帜。 #人文[话题]#  #少数民族文化[话题]#  #火把节[话题]# 素材来源:@DawsonYe The Torch Festival in Yunnan holds profound cultural significance and diverse manifestations. Ethnic minorities such as the Yi, Bai, and Naxi peoples all have traditions of the Torch Festival. Xihu in Yousuo Town, Erhai County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, is a plateau water town dotted with islands. On the 25th day of the 6th lunar month each year, the local Bai people navigate small wooden boats, holding torches, weaving through the lakes and villages. With stars above, it stands out uniquely among the Torch Festivals throughout Yunnan Province.
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-09-10 13:03:18
  • 网址:https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/64e6d183000000000301f92f?xsec_token=CBAu4j8y42dfzahwym_m2Tqte49ajiyD2u1iJljMdBMis=&xsec_source=pc_feed