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🎧maybe tomorrow |光听前奏就会爱上的💐

they're just two kids, being stupid 他俩羽翼未丰 少不更事 have a lot of dreams, but they're only eighteen 怀揣无数梦想 却仅年方十八 so they'll reach for them tomorrow 故他们明天便朝梦想进发 maybe tomorrow 也许就在明天 she says 她说 everything is weird in the world right now but I 如今世上的一切都离奇 但若是 like it when you're here somehow 你在左右 我便欢喜 things seem better when 一切都更加美好 #私藏小众音乐[话题]# #我的私藏歌单[话题]# #一听就爱上的英文歌单[话题]# #好听的英文歌[话题]# #日推[话题]# #宝藏音乐[话题]# #VOLG背景音乐[话题]# #BGM[话题]# #享受独处[话题]#
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-08-12 17:18:16
  • 网址:https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/65db38d2000000000b022e80?xsec_token=ABYUvTQ12V0WOrpmJEPQihHQjp49iv_FV64bzTQ_4yFVA=&xsec_source=pc_search