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仪卫出行 | 南汉二陵博物馆交互装置作品

聚焦唐代仪卫出行场景,展示唐代贵族女性丰富多彩生 活。 观众通过互动装置以视听结合的方式感受唐代盛世,探 索骑马文化,鼓吹音乐艺术以及仪仗的风采。 Focusing on the travel scenes of the Tang Dynasty honor guards, it shows the colorful life of aristocratic women in the Tang Dynasty Live. Through interactive installations, the audience can experience the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty in an audio-visual way Soo horseback riding culture, advocating the art of music and the demeanor of the guard of honor. #touchdesigner[话题]#  #数字艺术[话题]#  #博物馆[话题]#  #digitalart[话题]#  #交互装置[话题]#  #交互设计[话题]#  #装置设计[话题]#  #南汉二陵博物馆[话题]#  #笙歌醉太平[话题]#唐代风采 #金乡县主展[话题]#
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-07-31 15:18:40
  • 网址:https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/65a20910000000001101d838