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27/6 午餐去左大埔超級城Outback食飯。粟米湯+黑糖麥包(Bushman Bread) + 公司沙律 (House Salad)+美國精選肉眼牛扒(USDA Ribeye Steak)(10安士)+凍咖啡。埋單$299加一,會員9折,最後$299。
时间:2024-07-27 12:40:42
This time I want you you you you you
Workout Routine|把喜欢的事情坚持下去✊
奥迪A3 sportback 哥特兰绿
outfit check 📷
london outfitcheck🇬🇧🧊
今天出门的outfit check
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今天的outfit check
Outfit check
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🌊I’m thinking about you~~
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win the war you tell no one about
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