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Last day of holiday in Greece!! 😢 We are travelling back home tomorrow and back to work on Tuesday!😭 Nevertheless, we made the most of our last day. We drived to Seitan Limania Beach📍 After a 15 minutes trekking down the hills through a narrow and steep path, accompanied by the wild goats, we found a beautiful beach with clear blue water. The journey was totally worth it, although we had to bath with one eye on our cloths and towels. As the wild goats were visiting us in the beach, checking around the stuff of the clueless swimmers. 希腊假期的最后一天!!😢 明天我们要回家,周二回去上班!😭 尽管如此,我们还是充分利用了最后一天。我们开车去了 Seitan Limania 海滩📍 经过 15 分钟的跋涉,沿着一条狭窄而陡峭的小路下山,在野山羊的陪伴下,我们发现了一个美丽的海滩,海水清澈湛蓝。这次旅行完全值得,尽管我们不得不一边洗澡一边留意衣服和毛巾。因为野山羊在海滩上拜访我们,检查那些毫无头绪的游泳者的东西。 #这里有条林荫道[话题]# #水上运动[话题]# #徒步丈量世界[话题]# #玻璃海[话题]# #我的旅行日记[话题]# #度假[话题]# #浮潜[话题]# #环游世界[话题]# #总有新玩法过夏天[话题]# #海岛游[话题]# #船宿[话题]# #玻璃海[话题]# #环游世界[话题]# #水上运动[话题]# #徒步丈量世界[话题]# #朋友圈分享[话题]# #环游世界[话题]# #旅游攻略编辑部[话题]# #好吃[话题]# #太好吃了[话题]# #希腊[话题]# #希腊旅行[话题]# #克里特[话题]#
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2024-07-18 17:45:23
  • 网址:https://www.xiaohongshu.com/explore/66826e3500000000050073da