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除了事要做的好,汇报也要漂亮才能在职场走得更高更远!总结了年底汇报模板及话术: 1.回顾目标与成就 At the start of the year, our goal was to increase user engagement by 25% on our e-commerce platform. Proudly, we achieved a 30% increase. 2.关键成就 A key accomplishment was the successful launch of our XXX system, which not only enhanced UX but also increased order value by 15%. 3.挑战与困难 We faced significant challenges, especially in adapting to new data XX, which impacted our expansion strategy. 4.反思个人发展 Personally, I’ve grown significantly in data analytics and agile project mgmt 5.设定新目标 For the upcoming year, my goal is to lead our team in diversifying our product range, aiming to increase our market share in the lifestyle segment by % 6.制定行动项 To achieve this, we will initiate a market analysis phase by Jan, followed by product dev in Q2, aiming for a pilot launch by Q3. #年终总结[话题]##职场英语[话题]##外企[话题]##国际贸易[话题]##国际项目[话题]##英文汇报[话题]##年底汇报[话题]##年终总结[话题]##职场干货[话题]##职场提升[话题]##国际化[话题]##海外产品[话题]##英语学习[话题]##职场女性[话题]#
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  • 时间:2023-12-25 14:36:10
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