今天是在休斯顿Katy住的最后一天,特意去吃了Katy的梁妈妈 Loves Dumplings House,因为以后来就要开车四十多分钟了。
手工的面条家常的味道。这一家的灌汤包是我在美国吃到的水平最高的,最差的大概是中国城海鲜楼Ocean Palace的。那一家其实只能吃传统的广式点心,其他的做的都不行。这两样份量特别大加起来才$20,非常便宜。我之前在Oregon吃的鼎泰丰好吃到差不多的至少$40美元,而且还不如这家好。推荐休斯顿的朋友都来试试。
If you are Americans in Houston who are new to this platform, please try Loves Dumpling House in Cinco Ranch. I’ve seen some horrible Ameican Chinese food you posted from Texas. I feel bad for you and really want to help you fine the best authentic Chinese food in Houston. Follow me for more updates and reviews.
#美国中餐[话题]# #小笼包[话题]# #灌汤包[话题]# #面条[话题]# #休斯顿[话题]#