动态设计鉴赏| Adidas 超新星 鞋子三维动画
一起鉴赏,共同提高美感 !
The ticket to year-round comfort stride after stride, adidas Supernova running shoe is designed to provide both comfort and support for the everyday runner.通往全年舒适跨步的门票,阿迪达斯超新星跑鞋的设计目的是为日常跑步者提供舒适和支持。
Designed, Directed and Produced by FutureDeluxe
Client: adidas
Creative Director: Felix Chivers, Yas Vicente
Senior Producer: Kavita Daggar
Executive Producer: George Turner
Art Director: Yas Vicente
Design & Animation: Ben Black, Harry Warne, Husni Wahab, Karmo Jarv, Stevie Rees, Dean Mathers
Product Scan: FBFX
Product Modelling: Harry Warne
Grade: Tim Smith @ No.8
Sound Design: Resonate
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